Sunday, July 14, 2019

Bletchley Park Computers

At first, I was unsure that I would like this trip but it was amazing. Bletchley Park was beautiful with a gorgeous lake and lots of greenery. One of the places that I ate there still had the feel of an army mess hall.

Bletchley Park is known for its amazing computers and British codebreaking during WW2. The computers were manned mostly by women because the men were away fighting.

Our tour was held in the National Museum of Computing. During the tour, we saw all types of computers which some would not consider computers. There was also a computer doing multiplication up to 12. We were shown computer discs the size of manholes and bigger that could have so much energy while on the disc drives that they could lift up.

The best part was after the tour when we got to look around ourselves. In the museum, I watched a video about the involvement during WW2 which was beautiful. They also had in cases ration books, shelter tickets, and gas ointment. Another thing on display was a motorcycle that was used for dispatch. There were also computers that you could try to intercept and break codes. That was enjoyable.


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